How SMM Will Uplift Your Online Presence

Explaining social media marketing to some people, possibly potential bosses can be a hard task thanks to the pre-mindset the society has of social media. However, explaining the benefits of it from the point of view of increasing the company’s online presence, could be the trick. Social media marketing is a full-time job like any …

What is SMM?

Social Media Marketing to some may sound rather foreign, a totally new concept. We’ve of course heard of commercial marketing. Some have even taken it up as a major in college. Well, in layman terms, social media marketing is basically what social media marketers do; marketing through social media. There is more to social media …

How to Easily Check the Square Footage of Your House

A house that sounds roomy and spacious online may actually have 800 of its square feet contained in a four-foot-tall dirt-floor basement. What’s up with that? In Washington DC, clients are often confused at the square footage discrepancy between what’s listed and what they see on tour, and colleagues in other markets hear the same thing. …